Freya and the Necklace (1890)
by James Doyle Penrose
The Hill Giant
Once a hill giant offered to help build a fortress for the gods requesting the sun, moon, and Freya as wife. The gods agreed if he and his horse, Svadilfari, finish before the start of summer. The giant began working letting Svadilfari do most of the work. The deadline was arriving and the gods were fearful he would succeed. Loki disguised himself as a mare, seduced Svadilfari, rendering the hill giant unable to meet the deadline. The gods got a fortress ... and an 8 legged foal (Sleipnir) for free, Loki was impregnated by Svadilfari. Sleipnir later became Odin's steed.
Freya and the Necklace (1890)
by James Doyle PenroseBrísingamen
Freya, a concubine of Odin, discovered 4 dwarves crafting a beautiful necklace. She wanted it, the dwarves said she could have it if she slept with ALL of them. She did what a jewelry loving goddess had to do. Loki saw this & disguised himself as a flee & stole the necklace from sleeping Freya giving it to Odin. Freya told Odin about the theft but he said he knew all about her affair & he would give it back if she started a never ending war between 2 kings. Every time a king died he would rise again. She agreed.Author's Note
I decided to write about Freya as she is an interesting Norse goddess of beauty, love, fertility, and war. She was often lusted after and sometime lusty herself pending on who told the story. The first story is told in Gylfaginning from the Prose Edda, and demonstrates how lusted after Freya really was. The second story is from the Sörla þáttr written by Christian priests. The point of this book was to make the non-Christian Norse look bad, hence why they made Freya out to be a greedy, materialistic floozy in the story of how she obtained her famed necklace Brísingamen.
- Freya, Thomas Apel https://mythopedia.com/norse-mythology/gods/freya/
Okay, the idea of a "bonus" Sleipnir cracks me up. I love that you presented it almost as "Buy a castle! Get a horse with a lot of legs for free!" Kudos for taking on microfiction with this one. I am usually very wordy, so I am not sure if I could do it. The second microfiction was just a bit hard for me to follow towards the end. I'm not sure if changing anything there to be dialogue would help? Since it is a microfiction, and you're stuck with a certain word count after all! I look forward to reading more of your stories this semester.
ReplyDeleteHi Addison! I really enjoyed reading the Brisingamen part of your writing. You added some humor as well as keeping the story pretty close to home. The jewelry loving goddess really did do anything to earn her jewelry back, even starting a never-ending war among two kings! I loved reading about that especially since I had not heard of it before.