Aladdin and the Wonderful Nokia (cont.):
Samara Sultana
One day when Aladdin was done finishing up some jewel dealings, he was strolling in the financial district when he ran into a young woman carrying a coffee spilling it everywhere.
"I am so sorry, " he cried, "I will buy you a new one...." he trailed off. The girl was beautiful. She had smooth caramel skin and jet black hair that had honey colored highlights blended into the ends of her hair, and the clearest hazel eyes he had ever seen. Aladdin was speechless."I doubt it, this dress costs more than what you make in 3 years" she scoffed.Aladdin remembered that even though he was in the financial district, he was still wearing his ragged jeans and green flannel. He stares at the ground lost at what to say now."Wait," says the girl, "I'm sorry that was really rude I should have been paying attention. I was frustrated with the conversation I was having. My name is Samara, but call me Sam. I didn't catch your's.""I am Aladdin, and no it was not after the Disney movie, it is a family name. Hey, why don't I buy you a new coffee if you have the time?" he replied."Sure, you sound like a very chill person, but I don't like all those frilly 'white- mocha-cino-pumpkin-swirl' drinks." Sam replied.
Aladdin laughed and the two of them went to a nearby coffee shop where Sam ordered an iced black cold brew, while he went for a frozen hot chocolate with double whipped cream. Samara found this amusing, the two sat down at a table and began to chat. They wound up talking for hours about their likes, dislikes, and hobbies, even discovering a shared love for gaming and shared dislike of seafood. They were interrupted by the ringing of Samara's phone.
"I am sorry I have to go. I have dinner with my father and fiance at this sushi restaurant a couple blocks over." Sam said."Wait I need an address to send your replacement dress.... wait fiance?!" replied Aladdin."I will explain another time, I will text you the address of my Dad's office so we can chat. Don't worry about the dress, really." She added before hurrying off.Aladdin went home slightly dejected. He laid in bed that night with nothing but Samara on his mind, when his phone buzzed with a message,"It's me, Sam. Here's my dad's office address,
3596 Arabica Lane
Meet on the top floor at 3 PM tomorrow. See you soon!"
Aladdin was overjoyed but confused. This woman was engaged but still he felt a strong connection with her and he got an idea. Aladdin got his Nokia out of his nightstand drawer and pressed the key pad, Eugene popped out and asked what he could do. Aladdin asked Eugene to summon the most gorgeous dress he could imagine, in the perfect size for Sam. Eugene disappeared and returned in seconds with an emerald green form fitting trumpet style dress with real emeralds clustered closely at the bottom, slowly spreading into smaller, more distance clusters approaching the high necked top. Aladdin didn't understand women's fashions but this was stunning.
The next morning, Aladdin got up early, unable to sleep well. He carried about his daily jeweler dealings then headed over to the coffee shop he and Sam went to the day before, dress in tow. He ordered an iced black cold brew and headed to the address she gave him careful not to spill the drink. He arrived at the address and was shocked, he was standing in front of the Sultan Industries office building. Sam was Samara Sultan, daughter of Mr. Sultan and heiress of Sultan Industries.
He nervously walked inside when a young man in an Armani suit shoved past him yelling "watch it street rat, or you won't have the joy of picking up anyone's dry cleaning at this company." Aladdin was shaken up a bit but nothing spilled so he continued to the elevator taking it to the top floor. There he was greeted at a grandiose desk by a petite woman with the tightest bun. She asked if he had an appointment with Mr. Sultan. Aladdin stammered nervously but before he could utter anything they were interrupted by shouting from the office located behind the desk. "I am an adult I can make my own choices!" a disgruntled Samara shouted before charging out of the office. She spotted Aladdin and her face softened,
"Sorry about that, follow me to my office.""Wow you have your own office" replied Aladdin"Not to brag but it's a whole floor, my dad kind of owns the company" she teased.They entered the elevator and she scanned her key card as the went to the next floor down."Whatcha got there?" Sam asked."Oh, I almost forgot this is to replace the dress I ruined" Aladdin said as he handed her the dress in a garment bag, "and this is just because" as he handed her the coffee and exiting the elevator. She had her own small coffee bar on the back wall of her "office" and on the opposite wall, a gaming station with every console imaginable."Thank you! You totally didn't need to do that." she said sitting down in one of the gaming chairs while inviting Aladdin to sit in the other. Sam opened the dress and gasped with her mouth agape,"It's amazing and perfect! You know if I wasn't engaged, you would be the perfect guy" Aladdin looked at his feet, "Look I am sorry. That is an awkward position to put you in" Samara apologized
Samara then explained that Sultan Industries was in the process of absorbing Worthington Inc. and that Mr. Williamson was giving Mr. Sultan a great deal but only if Samara would marry his son, Chad. Samara explained that no matter how much she protested her father wouldn't budge, she found Chad boring and insufferable, but her father was the only family she had left and she was too afraid to lose him. Seeing Samara was so down, Aladdin suggested they play some Mario Kart. The two played video games for hours until once again, Sam had to leave to get ready for dinner.
Once he was home, Aladdin had an idea. He summoned Eugene and asked that he take Chad Worthington to a beach on the West coast with beautiful waves. The next morning he received a text from Sam:
"You'll never believe it! Chad never showed for dinner and half way through he texted both of our fathers and myself that he was leaving the industry to pursue his true dream. Surfing! Are you busy later? Maybe we can finally hang for longer."
Aladdin replied that the situation was odd, unfortunately he had some business to attend to. Aladdin then talked with his mother. He asked if she would go to Mr. Sultan's office for him, knowing he likely would not be taken seriously. He asked Eugene to dress his mother up like a Wall Street woman and asked his mother to bring the box of jeweled phone cases.
When Aladdin's mother arrives she is greeted by the same tight-bunned woman Aladdin met the day before. The woman claimed that Mr.Sultan was taking no visitors right now but Aladdin's mom insisted. Finally, a worn out Mr. Sultan appeared from his office and told the receptionist to just let her in and stop the commotion. Aladdin's mom explains that her son is enthralled with Samara and wishes to be with her.
"Well unless your son has a multi-billion dollar company, I'm not interested" Sultan replied. " Oh but I will take one of those phone cases for my daughter, her fiance just ran off, this might cheer her up" Sultan grabs a case and being a man of taste realizes the jewels were real."Where did you get these?" he asked."My son. He has a small jeweler business." Aladdin's mom replied. Sultan then said,"Send him by tomorrow and let him know we will talk business."
Aladdin's mom returns and relays the news to Aladdin. He then summons Eugene, he asks Eugene to help him publicize the jewel work he has already done to the right people. He also requests that Eugene help him expand his market, therefore expanding his funds. Eugene took the name of giving his company the name Prince Ali's Fine Jewels Finally he asked Eugene to manage and calculate his assets, it turns out Aladdin had already gained 2 billion dollars, but Worthington industries was worth 2.3 billion. Eugene then informed Aladdin that with his new publicity he is projected to earn another billion overnight. Aladdin goes to sleep and sure enough when he wakes up, Prince Ali's had earned 3.7 billion dollars overnight. Apparently every rich CEO, celebrity, and obscure royalty needed jewels overnight. Aladdin got Eugene to dress him in a sleek grey suit, tapered at the waist and an emerald green tie matching Samara's dress. He drew up the reports he needed and set out to Sultan industries, saying goodbye to his mother before he left. She was proud that he was finally working hard at something, sure the it wasnt school or finding a job and sure Eugene did the heavy lifting, but Aladdin still had to think of what to ask for, and this cause was much more genuine than school or work, it was love.
Aladdin reached the top floor of Sultan Industries and this time the receptionist was shocked to see him dressed up and immediately let Aladdin in. Sitting at his desk was Mr. Sultan, and in the corner Samara was leaning waiting to see what insufferable suitor her father found for her this time. Sam looked up and was surprised that it was Aladdin and began to speak when Aladdin but his finger to his lip indicating her to not reveal him.
"Ah you must be the jeweler! I never caught your name, nor the name of your company?" Sultan questioned."My apologies, Sir. I am Aladdin, founder of Prince Ali's Fine Jewels." replied Aladdin with confidence"I have never heard of such a corporation." Sultan replied, he then Googled it and sure enough he saw thousands of results of all the celebrities, business moguls, and obscure royalty that had done business with Aladdin." Here is a detailed report of my company assets" Aladdin handed Sultan a thick binder. Sultan looked at one page before saying,"I don't need to see anymore, you are like a son to me now." Aladdin stopped him,"I do not want to marry your daughter for business, nor do I want you to approve of me for business. I want you to know how I truly fell for your daughter without knowing who she was and only if she feels the same about me. Truth be told I met Samara 3 days ago and not a second has gone by where I haven't thought of her."
Sultan was moved and looked to Samara. Samara had no words, she practically leapt over the desk and into Aladdin's arms before planting a deep kiss on the lips. That was all Aladdin needed for an answer. He pulled out of his pocket an emerald ring, this was not retrieved by Eugene, Aladdin had picked this out himself. Samara put the ring on and said, "You couldn't think of a cheesier name? Prince Ali's?" and chortled.
That evening while celebrating, Aladdin asked Eugene to conjure a three story luxury apartment ( with a game room of course) that would sit a top a new business office for Prince Ali's Fine Jewels. Here he and Samara lived for several months before they married. On their wedding day, Samara wore the emerald adorned dress Aladdin gave to her month ago. They then lived happily the rest of their days.
A year later, Aladdin and his mother received news that Amir had been arrested, the police contacted them because they were his only living family and possible victims. After Amir found out about Prince Ali's he knew this was the work of Eugene the Nokia Genie and sought to kill Aladdin and take his company. But he was caught driving a stolen vehicle and snapped under pressure and confessed to his murder plan that no one had even suspected. The officer who delivered the news said it was no surprise since his father was an international jewel thief before he died. Aladdin and his mother then knew that was why Aladdin's father never spoke to his brother and why they didn't know he had a son.
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Sort of What I Imagine the Emerald Dress to Be Source |
The Arabian Nights' Entertainments by Andrew Lang and illustrated by H. J. Ford (1898) Source.
Authors Note:
I wanted to continue the story I wrote for week 5. It was a modern re-telling of Aladdin. I cut out the parts about transporting the princess to his own bed every night and some of the other dealings. I also cut the part where the magician steals everything from Aladdin and made him a more human criminal who fails and is actually related to Aladdin. Most importantly, I gave the princess a voice. She could make her own decisions but was heavily pressured with the risk of losing her only family, which is a reason why a lot of different people do things they hate. Samara was able to be herself with Aladdin and Aladdin did not "buy" her like in the original, he offered himself to her and eliminated the pressure of her father by being rich, allowing her to choose. I had fun writing this and just wanted to do something fun without making my assignment story way too long.
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