I chose this photo because my project is about mythological dogs and why not include two of the sweetest dogs around. Here is a link to my project, Dogs of Mythology
I really enjoyed reading your storybook project introduction about a mythological dog park. I love a good dog story and I loved how you tied it to Greek mythology. I loved your idea of putting puppy spirits in this mythological dog park afterlife deal. I am intrigued to read about what dogs do after they pass on. I always thought dogs go to heaven, but a dog park seems much more fun haha! I would suggest that you go back through your introduction and really focus in on grammar. Quite a few of your sentences were run-ons, making it a bit tricky to understand your thoughts. Also, maybe find a comma helper to help you understand where to properly put commas. I did the same a few weeks back and it helped so much! Finally, I was wondering what your third dog story was going to be about. I know one is about Egyptian canines and the second is about Xolotl of ancient Aztec, but what is the third? I am intrigued to find out! I wasn’t sure if you left it out on purpose to entice your readers, or that is something you forget to include. Overall, great job and I look forward to seeing your stories unfold!
I already love your concept of a mythological dog park; as a dual-dog owner myself, I love anything and everything related to dogs. I also love that you included a picture of your own dogs on the home page- it shows how you're already passionate and connected to the topic you're writing about. I feel like this storybook can be relatable to all pet owners, not just dog owners. I think everyone is heartbroken whenever they lose a beloved family pet, and they always hope that their pet is in a better place, and what they're doing without them. I'm excited to hear about your stories of the humanoid-canine divinities as the semester continues. I know in Egyptian Mythology, they have a dog named Anubis that they commonly worship, but I am unaware if any others exist out there. I'm hoping that I'll get to hear more about these different gods as this storybook takes place!
Hey Addison, I really enjoyed reading the introduction to your storybook! I really like where you are going, with your idea of a mythological dog park. I have a golden doodle and a dachshund, so I’d be curious to see how they acted in this type of setting! I feel like this will be a really fun topic to write about, plus it will allow you to be very creative. I really enjoyed the sentence in your introduction where you tell the reader to sit back, relax, grab a ball, and some milk bones. I think that was very creative, and creativeness like that makes people really enjoy reading. I know everyone likes well-behaved dogs, but I’m interested to read about the not so well-behaved dogs in you’re future stories. I think sometimes the dogs that test your nerves are often the most lovable sometimes. You did a good job on this!
Oh my gosh I love your topic! I have seen a lot of stories and sites (including my own) based on a lot of old-timey myths and often reiterated themes, but yours is so unique and amazing! I think it's an amazing topic especially because who isn't a dog person?? I really like your idea of storytelling just based on the overall theme, and I am kind of jealous myself that I did not choose something of the sort; I just kind of thought of the first topic that related to my stories and pasted it, but it is very clear that you have put a lot of thought into yours and into making it so, so much personable! I think it shows off your personality a lot more, and that is exactly what I think the concept of this type of storytelling was trying to do. Great job!
Hi Addison, I am so excited about your storybook! Dogs are the best and animals are so often overlooked. Immediately I was drawn in to your storybook from the images you chose, they are fun and my favorite was the gray with the white silhouettes of the dogs and the moon. It works perfectly for the introduction. A suggestion I have is something that I found a little confusing, there is more mentioned about the Norse mythology after life. So I wasn't sure if all of the stories were drawn from there until I got to the end where you brought up the other possibilities as well. Maybe no one else had trouble but it might be interesting to tell where the dog stories come from earlier in the introduction. There is so much personality in this storybook already and it is so much fun. I love the play on tails and the instructions to the reader. Dogs or animals in general can have so much meaning for people so this is a great topic.
Hi Addison! I think it is so sweet and precious that you are using images of your dogs to represent other dogs in mythology. Your introduction is very well worded, and keeps the reader interesting and engaged about what is to come on your storybook. I like how you have the shells for your stories laid out, but it almost let me down that you did not have your stories on the website yet because I am so excited to read them. I like how you are going to write about dogs from different mythological backgrounds - I am excited and curious to see how you ties those together to make it flow! Do you know which stories you are going to write about yet? I had never thought about utilizing animals, particularly dogs, to retell these famous myths and legends. Best of luck going forward, you definitely started out strong!
Hey Addison, I want to say right off the bat that your storybook idea is incredibly cute! I know that throughout mythology that animals can have important roles for the main characters, but I like that you're focusing on the animals, dogs in this case, as the owners of their own story! That said, I only found two things that could be fixed and possibly added into your introduction. First, I saw you've been using "Afterlife" throughout, and just wanted to say that one of your sentences you use "after life". I'm sure you just overlooked it, but it's there! Finally, maybe you can say who the dog's owners are? Like, for example, this particular dog you're talking about is the companion of Hercules or something. Of course, you don't have to! I'm just curious if there's specific people that you wanted to be owner's of these dogs! Other then that though, your introduction was cute and I'm excited to see the stories when they're up!
Hi Addison: I really enjoy reading your introduction to the storybook! I agree with you that most of the myths wrote about the gods, monsters, or heroes, and I feel excited for you could choose a novel topic. I am curious about why you decided to use dogs as your main characters. Do you love dogs or you just choose them as your topic randomly? Also, you mentioned the Afterlife in your introduction. It is a nice try to put some mythological factors into your storybook. I think the word Afterlife is always related to mysterious or untouchable situations. Can't wait for the following stories! There is one problem I think you need to ameliorate. In your introduction page, the fonts' background may make readers hard to recognize them, and the font size would also be enlarged a little bit.
Hi Addison! First of all, I love that you're doing a storybook about mythological dogs! I was actually thinking of doing a storybook focused on dogs of the afterlife earlier in the semester, focusing in on ones from the areas around the UK. (I was intending to cover the "Black Dog", "Church Grim" and "Barghest" in mine) I ended up choosing to do a portfolio instead, but it's cool to see someone else giving the mythological dogs some love! My other feedback is really just all cosmetic stuff. Since you have very little text on your home page, you might put it on top of the image, or resize the image so that you don't have to scroll to see that little bit of text. You should probably hide your pages for Stories 1-3 from your navigation until they have text on them. (You can right click them in your site editor to get the window to hide or unhide them)
You had me at “dogs,” ha ha! I do love that you chose to do a Storybook with stories about dogs because we often don’t get to hear or read stories about them. In this class, I’ve read stories about other animals; I’ve read a couple with cats included, but not dogs! Your introduction is very engaging and sets up the rest of your Storybook nicely. I did notice in the second paragraph that you forgot to put a “space” after the period… “Well, I have the answer.You’ve heard that…” Also, I love the idea of having the picture as the background, but it can be difficult to see the text in some areas. Maybe you could try making the font bigger or if there is a way to add text background and adjust the opacity so that the picture can still be seen? I’m excited to see what kind of dog stories you will tell!
Hi Addison! I'm definitely going to bookmark your storybook for future comments! I am a huge dog lover. When my first dog, Oreo, died I always wondered where his spirit would go. I always thought back to the movie, "All Dogs go to Heaven". I loved that you used that in your introduction. I love the idea of all dogs in a doggy play ground. It's also interesting how you pointed out that not all dogs are good. So it would be cool to see how you create conflict between all the dogs in the future! I like how you also questioned what dogs do when their owners are away. It made me think back to Phineas and Ferb with Perry. That show always made me wonder if my dogs were secret agents haha. I can't wait to see what kind of stories you come up with. I haven't read any greek mythology stories over dogs so that would be an additional learning experience for me too! Overall, you have a super enganging introduction so good job with that!
I won't lie, I'm already obsessed with your storybook after reading the introduction. I saw 'dogs' and knew I had to read it. I like how it speaks directly to the reader when asking questions in the introduction, it makes it very personable and more enticing for the reader. I wonder if all dogs go to the dog park of the afterlife after death, or if some of them stay on earth? Will these be real stories told just with dogs to replace the character? Have you thought about letting each dog narrate their own story with dialogue instead of just one narrator? That might be fun to hear it from each dog's perspective so that we are more connected to the story and can feel their personality. I cant wait to keep reading this and I already love it! Good work!
Hi Addison! After reading your introduction I am so excited to see what your stories will be like. Dogs are one of my favorite animals, and I love reading stories about them! Your ideas are so creative. I have always wondered if dogs go to heaven or an afterlife. I would like to believe so, because I have a few dogs in heaven that I would love to reunite with. The dog park idea is so cool and so different from any of the stories I have read so far. A lot of the stories are about humans, so I am interested to see how you will tie together mythology and dogs! At the end, I loved how you foreshadowed which type of dogs your stories would be about, but I only saw two. I see that you have three stories set up, so adding a third type of dog would be great!
Hi Addison! This concept is so cute, and you're totally right, no one ever writes about the pups of mythology! I also loved that it's going to be based off your own dogs, it adds a personal touch to your story book! I'm also curious to what your writings will entail. Your introduction was awesome, it set up the stage for the rest of the stories really well, but I also still don't really know what to expect. The perfect balance of keeping readers in anticipation! Are the stories going to be about what the dogs did in their life that resulted in them being sent to the dog park of the afterlife? All of the stories of mythology center around heroics, love, and tragedy, so will there be a similar theme among these stories? I can't wait to see what you come up with, I'll definitely be back for this!
Hi Addison, I'm back to read what stories you had for us next! Only the first story is up so far at the time that I am posting this, but I thought the pups were so cute! I have only heard of Cerberus, but were the other characters real dogs from Greek mythology as well? If so, I'll be honest I didn't realize so many gods and goddesses kept dogs! Aside from that, I really liked that there was a personality conveyed by each dog in their short monologue. It added an additional aspect to their character aside from their story and relation to other mythological figures! Are you doing to be doing multiple dogs for each story, in a sort of interview style dialogue? If that's the case, that's definitely a ton of dogs in Greek mythology that I didn't even know existed! I look forward to reading your next one!
I am in LOVE with your homepage of your storybook. I absolutely love dogs and that header picture brings a smile to my heart! Thank you for that!
Also, thank you for having a brief introductory statement on your homepage. I feel like most people neglect to do that so it is hard to follow their theme for their storybook. Or, I can't even differentiate if it is a storybook or a portfolio. So, thank you!
After clicking on the introduction, the banner of Archie and Olive snuggling really melted my heart. I cannot get over all of the cuteness!
I love "All Dogs Go To Heaven" so I am super excited to read your stories about the afterlife for dogs! I also appreciate how you are not only talking about good dogs, but also the bad ones. Finally, your overall tone and style crack me up! I love it all so much.
I can't wait to read more of your amazing work this semester!
Hi Addison, I love the theme of your Storybook! Anything dogs and I am interested. I also enjoy that you are using personal images of your own pups. Is this storybook going to be a play on Greek mythology? I saw that you mentioned the story of All Dogs Go to Heaven, is that where you got the idea to intertwin these stories? The questions you ask in the first paragraph are ones that all dog owners and most people in general think about. I am very interested in the ways you plan to pull together all these stories and make them flow together. I also know that it is going to be juicy due to the way you mention that not all the boys are the goodest and that some are definitely going to stir up some trouble. I look forward to seeing what this storybook is like in a few weeks!
Hi Addison :) I really like your Storybook idea! I like the focus on the dogs, especially the ones of heroes because it's true. There isn't a lot of them after their story purpose is served. I've always wondered what happened to them! Reading your Introduction, I felt the excitement and mystery of you "Dog Park of the Afterlife." I can't wait to read the stories you come up with; you've made me very curious! The only tweaking I recommend to your awesome Introduction is sentence structure and topic consistency. I noticed you have a lot of long sentences with most having a dependent clause at the beginning or end of your sentences joined by a comma. Don't be afraid to have simpler or shorter sentences! They'll do wonders for reading flow and keeping your audience engaged. In your Introduction, you mention dogs from Norse, Greek, and Aztec mythology. In the last paragraph, you swap out the Norse mythology for true stories about Egyptian dogs. It looks like you're only planning on writing three stories but have four different "topics." I recommend keeping the preview of your stories to the scope of what you're going to be writing about only. I say this because if you write about Norse, Greek, and Egyptian dogs, then you might have readers disappointed there weren't dogs from Aztec mythology. The last one is definitely just my opinion. However, I do really stand by my critique on sentence structure. Don't let any of my suggestions distract you from the single facts that your Introduction is awesome and your idea is wonderful!
Hi Addison! First of all, yours was the project I picked from the whole class list this week, just because of the name! I LOVE dogs, so I was really intrigued by your title and wanted to learn more. It's so awesome that you spun this to base it off of your own pups, and added the picture of your own dogs! I don't know if this is a glitch or you haven't had the chance to write any stories yet, but the links for "Story 1, 2 and 3" were all blank links.
If they are not filled yet, I will for sure have to come back to your site later in the semester to read more about your pups and see how you link it back to the mythology we are learning about!
Hey Addison! Can I just say that I love your concept for your storybook? I think that using your own personal touch of your dogs is such a cute and unique tactic to making the storybook stand out, and it definitely works! This isn't something a lot of people do, so I really enjoy you adding some variety. I loved seeing the picture of your dogs on the front page, they were just so stinking cute. Along with this, your introduction was really good along with really adorable. I like how you used the saying "all dogs go to heaven" as part of your inspiration for the stories to come. I am eager to read what stories you have coming for us; the blank screens on "Story 1," "Story 2," and "Story 3" were such a cliffhanger! Hope you enjoy writing the stories to fill this storybook as I know that I will thoroughly enjoy reading them!
Hey Addison! So I just checked back in at your storybook and I am so happy there is finally a story in there! I remembered your storybook vividly because I was so excited to read stories told from a dog's point of view, and let me tell you it definitely did not disappoint. The first introduction of dialogue in your story and the rest of that paragraph definitely came across in a tone that is the perfect representation of a dog's thoughts. It was energetic, fast-paced, and a quick read. When I think of dogs, I definitely think of that same high energy you used in your story telling which was really cool. I like how your story was able to convey this tone so smoothly, as it really ties the whole theme all together. Great job this week and I'm excited to keep coming back and continuing to read the rest of the stories in your storybook!
Hi Addison, I really enjoyed reading through your storybook! I think it is really cool you are writing about your own pets. I think this will give your stories a whole other element. You can really add details and connect the readers to make them feel like they are there. As far as your page I think it is really cool. All the images tie into your theme. I look forward to seeing more so far it is awesome.
Hi Addison, Since my first visit to your page I have seen you have added a couple stories and it is coming along amazing. Like I stated the first time I think it is really cool you are incorporating your own family pets into them. In your writing you can see since it is something you are so familiar with you can really add detail and make it your own. So glad you went forward with this!
Hi Addison, It was an immense pleasure to go over your storybook introduction. It's very cool to write about your own dogs and tie them to mythology, and that detail will take your stories to another level. I am eager to read your story 1. I also like the picture of your dogs in the home page they look very cute and comfortable in bed. Additionally, the layout of the website made it easy to navigate through your story book. But I would recommend on working on sentence structure because you have very long sentences on your introduction. I feel like if you made you sentences simpler; the reading will flow much smoother. I think that your introduction went straight to the point and it was not very long, and I like that. I am curious how you will incorporate mythology with pets, because most of mythology I have read has to do with love, god and goddesses. Will dogs be gods and goddesses?
Hi Addison! This is an interesting topic. I do not think that I have ever truly sat down and thought about their companions but almost all of them have one. They are there to bail them out of trouble and sometimes cause a little more. I think that it was cute to portray it as an audience of dogs. These pups are going to be excited to sit and eat their treats while reading it. I think that you could add slightly more detail. Are all of the stories about this one dog or are there multiple that interact with this dog? What makes him/her the most important character to tell a story about? These animals are found all throughout mythology and I like that you cover that. Maybe explain how the good boys are just not as much fun to talk about or how it will be more fun to talk about this one.
Hello Addison, I enjoyed your introduction and thought it had a really good insight leading into your stories. I also think the idea of a mythical dog park is so creative and fun. Next I read your first story and I really like how you gave the pups their own introduction to tell the reader about themselves. I thought tell it from the dog’s perspective was very unique. One question I have is are these dogs all friends and know each other. Or are they all just dogs within the dog park that do not associate with each other? Will they be in the stories together? Overall I really like the idea of your story book and I really excited to read the rest of your stories in the future!
Hi Addison! I love how creative this Storybook is! I never would have considered retelling the stories of the dogs from mythology so it's really cool that you thought of it. I would suggest maybe changing your font color of the picture on your introduction wall though because it was kind of hard to read the words with the background color being so similar. Other than that, I read the Greek Pups story and it was very interesting. I wish I could've gotten more characterization of the dogs though! Maybe instead of combining their introductions all together, you could choose just one of them to focus on so that we get better acquainted with who we are supposed to be getting to know rather than jumping around. Personally, I know that I was the most invested in Cerberus' plot line! I really liked his character and definitely think you could do fun things with it! This was such a cute idea, Addison! Keep up the good work!
Hi Addison! I really enjoyed reading over your project. I love dogs so much and I can't believe I have never thought of them in mythology before. You are right though--what were their dogs doing when all the fun stuff goes down? Your introduction does a great job of setting up the story book. The concept of a doggy afterlife is fascinating. I was most intrigued by the mention of Xolotl in your introduction, though. Your first story about Greek dogs was great! I loved the happy vibe of it. and it was also really informative. I never knew Odysseus had a dog...that poor boy had to wait on his owner a long time! I had never heard of Laelaps. It was a brilliant idea to take a constellation and make it mortal! I never knew the history behind all of it. It looks like you have done some really good research. I also really enjoyed seeing Cerberus in that context...great work!
Hello Addison! I really love your first story and the perspective you told it in. I think a cool addition would be describing the readers as a new dog in heaven. This idea is from a different storybook I read in this class about Greek mythology but in a high school setting. It's similar to yours as the perspective is told in a "You did this, you saw this," type of way. They describe the reader (the "you") as the new kid at school though. I also really love the layout of your storybook! The starry background is very pretty and gives me campfire storytelling vibes. I enjoyed reading the author's note. I think for your navigation bar at the top of the page, you should change the first story title from Greek to Greek Pups so it matches the story page title. I never knew about Odysseus's dog who waited two decades for him. That's so sad, but it really shows the loyalty of the dog. It reminds me of the movie Hachi where the dog waited in the same spot for his owner who died. Overall, I think you did a good job with your first story. I look forward to learning more about greek dogs.
Hi Addison! I want to start by saying I love how unique of an idea it is that you are using dogs and acting like this is all taking place at a dog park and despite the animals being busy they still have time to talk to us and get to know us. You do such a good job with quickly introducing the dog and giving some of the traditional facts associated with these creatures and then making a little twist on what we already know to make it seem more like a pet too. I like that you gave each pet a personality I especially like Cerberus I was previously familiar so to see your take on him was a joy to read. I think that your website looks very good. I can't wait to read your next story and wonder the area that those dogs will be from and how you will adapt those dogs to fit with the narrative that you are going with.
Hi Addison! It's going to be really hard for me to critique dogs!! I lobe them so much! I love the idea of your storybook- there are a lot of creatures in mythology that get overlooked because of human characters or overarching familiar stories. Native American mythology uses a lot of stories with animals and i love it. This week's critique is images. I can't complain with pictures of dogs! I like the photo on the introduction page a lot, it matched the theme of the page aesthetically with the color combinations. The only critiques i have are that the images dont necessarily match eachother, and the one on your first story doesn't really match the page at all. That could be an easy fix in a photo editing app just for a little more visual appeal. The story about the greek dogs was ADORABLE! The point of view of the story really helped bring in the reader and make them feel like they were in the story. I love that you can really feel the personality of the dogs in their dialogue, and we got to see a variety of different personalities. "The pupper of darkness demands fetch" killed me. This was great work and i'll definitely come back to read the next one! Good job!
Hey Addison, I have finally found the dog side of mythology! I love your introduction and your idea that in your storybook dogs do not just go to heaven but they also enter the realm of mythology. I love that you gave each puppy incredible characteristics and that you allowed us to meet each one at a dog park of all places. I especially like Argos, he seems like a ball of energy and the fact that Odysseus is his owner makes it even better. I cannot wait until you write some more stories in your storybook so that we can get to know these puppies a little better. Keep up the good work!
Hi Addison! First of all, I love your cover page to your website. I think it is adorable. I am a huge dog lover so I was very excited when I saw what your page was about. I love how in your introduction you talk about how we always hear about the people but never about the animals because that is very true. In a lot of stories the human will have an animal companion but we never hear about them. So I think it is great that you are doing this story book about them . I also think its great how you talk about what a dog heaven would be like. I think it brings in such a funny aspect to the story. So great job!
Hi, Addison! I can tell this is a passion project for you with your love of dogs. And I love how you gave these Greek pups their own quirky personalities. Like Canis Major immediately being distracted by a rabbit to catch, to Cerberus demanding a game of fetch -- they come off as very different characters and I really enjoyed that! I was also trying to find the image in the story but it looks like you used it as a background? Unless my browser had issues loading it. Maybe having images in the text itself would help with the imagery of the stories as you write on? This is such a fun project to read. I can't wait to see the next one!
This is such a clever idea and I had so much fun reading your story! I loved that the different dogs each had personalities that matched their mythological stories, like Odysseus' dog being loyal, or the "Pupper of Darkness" trying to act tough. So fun! The only suggestion I have for you is about the background on the story. I like the stars, but as I was reading, my eyes had a hard time focusing. I wonder if it was the font or the background messing with my eyes. Maybe you could include the stars as your banner image, and have a more simple background image for the story. There is a lot of great text on this page, and I worry that the background is distracting from that.
Anyway, that is just me being picky. I really love this idea and enjoyed reading your story! Good job!
Hi Addison! I love how you incorporated pictures of your own dogs in the Introduction and continued on into Egyptian and Greek dogs. I think this gives your website a touch of your own personal life which is always good to add to a website. Something that I think you should adjust is every image being one of your animals. For example, when I clicked on Greek pups, I was expecting to see this majestic beast of a dog who was standing next to a Greek God or something (this may be a little exaggerated but I essentially just expected a majestic looking dog). Instead of that image, I got your pretty puppy in an OU jersey. While this is fine for an image on your introduction page, I do not think that these cute yet innocent looking pictures should be at the top of every single story. On another note, I really enjoyed the star background you had on your Greek story. It caught my eye and it seemed very otherworldly which I loved. I really like how your story is coming along though, that's just my piece of advice for now!
Hi Addison! First off, love the introduction to your storybook! You really helped set the tone of the story and really got me excited to see what you were going to come up with next! I did see one tiny typo in the introduction! “Well, I have the answer.You've heard that All Dogs Go to Heaven?” You forgot to put a space between the period after answer and you’ve! I like that you have the dogs telling the stories themselves, it makes it super cute! The first story made my heart so sad… Poor Argos! Having to spend almost all of his life without his human! I loved the information at the beginning of the Egypt story! I had no idea that the Egyptians felt so strongly about their canine companions and that makes me so happy! I also didn’t know they treated dogs the same with burial rituals! So crazy! Great job Addison!
I was excited to come back to your storybook and see what was new since I last visited! I still just love this concept. It is so original. I loved your Egyptian story and how you included some background information to help everything make more sense. I also think it is fun that you included a little information about cats and the Egyptians' relationships with them because I do tend to think of cats before dogs in Egyptian mythology. I thought this story was so fun and really enjoyed how you wove the dog's specific mythology into the story without it feeling forced. There was so much context, and I feel like I learned a lot while just reading a fun story about a pup. I also like how you tell the story inside the frame of another narrative. It makes it more fun to read this way. Great job!
I enjoyed reading over your story! I am a student enrolled in Epics of India and I am here to give you cross-course feedback! The main idea of this weeks feedback task is to look over your author's note! First off, I'd like to say that I really enjoy the idea of your project! Everyone loves dogs and it's always fun to have them introduced into our writing! Your author's note in your first story, Greek, is in good shape! I really like how you wrote in deep detail about each character involved in the plot! Also, it is great how you were able to draw connections between the characters and the theme you attempted to portray in the plot! It's always great being able to see how and where ideas originate from in a retold story! I look forward to coming back to your finished project! Your writing is extremely intriguing.
Hi Addison! First of all, I love that you chose to write about dogs! I love dogs and knew I had to read your storybook as soon as I saw the title in the list of projects for this class! Secondly, I love that you used a picture of your own pups as the image for the title page! I love the page of Greek dogs! Cerberus referring to himself as the "Pupper of darkeness" was so cute! I will say the asterisk on this page was a bit hard to distinguish from the background image. But I love how you took the life stories of different dogs from different places! Such a clever idea and I can't wait to read what you come up with next!
Hi Addison! I really liked the way you chose to do your storybook! It was fun seeing how the different dogs chose to tell their stories. Like, the audience can easily get an idea of the kind of dog Argos was from the way he speaks and drifts off mentally in conversation. And then it's nicely contrasted against the more refined and collected hunting dog, Laelaps. (The gender difference also helped that I would say.) And I have to say that I love how you chose to portray Cerberus, with him being an outwardly tough-looking dog but also loving to play fetch. I liked the bit of historical information you included along with having Anubis tell about himself. I hadn't actually heard before that dogs were of a similar status to cats in Egyptian society. I also feel the attitude you gave Anubis suited him quite well.
I'm already back for more! I loved your story about dogs in ancient greece and i was really excited to see what you talked about next. I actually didn't know much about anubis prior to reading your story! When i say not much, i should really say nothing because i knew nothing. I think the story was very well developed and gave a lot of insight and background to readers that may not know much (like myself). You also did a great job of portraying the personality of anubis in his dialogue, i could definitely feel his ego coming from the way he spoke. i liked this story because it's a bit less common or well known than the greek stories. The author's note did a great job of explaining what the story was about and your inspiration, although the story itself was pretty self-explanatory. i like that you included real-life historical elements. Once again, great work and I'll see you for the next story!
Hi Addison, I read your storybook when you only had an introduction at the beginning of the project, now you have two other stories. I enjoyed reading both stories about Greek and Egypt. In Egypt story I like how you talked a little bit about cats and the Egyptian. When I read the Egyptian mythology stories, I see that they are more related with cats than dogs, and you mentioning the relationship of cats and the Egyptians even thou the main story is the dog is a plus. I also liked how your wrote your author’s note for Greek, you gave some deep details about each character in the plot, I think it’s a good idea to do that because it’s a way we can see the connections between each character and the theme you tried to portrait. Every dog with their own personality. Now I can’t wait for story number three. Overall, good job.
I loved reading over your project! I absolutely love the theme, and I think many others will agree that it related to many of us animal lovers! I love the layout of your website. I think it is very easy to navigate and is very accessible. I honestly hadn't read any of the original stories that yours are based on, and I think they did a great job of explaining them to me! I think with a few grammatical changes your project could be nearly perfect when you are finished! Awesome job!
Hey Addison, I loved reading your stories. First of all I am from the other class Indian Epics, so when we got the option to come look at the other class I wanted too. I got attracted by your cause it was dogs and I love dogs. I have my own doggie myself. I like how you have an introduction on your page I feel like that is something a lot of people are missing. I like the way your stories are set up. It is interesting to be meeting these characters in the way you do with your stories. It was cool for the dog to be explaining who they were and what their background was. I was kind of confused if they were related to single stories or if it was just in general, but I really enjoyed reading them. I hope you have a great semester. Philip Crowley
Hey Addison! I truly enjoyed reading your stories! I thought the way you set them up was visually pleasing and I really enjoyed the way you gave each pup a different personality! Even without knowing the original myths that well I felt as though I got the gist of them without too much background, which is hard to do. So good job! I really liked the characters that you added to be the narrators as well! I felt like I was on a journey with you through the stars to find more dogs. It was great! I am excited to see what you have in store for your final story as well. I think you can do a lot with the characters you have established and I encourage you to think through how to incorporate your final myth. Overall, I thought you did an awesome job and I hope you have a great rest of the semester and holiday season!
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading your storybook project introduction about a mythological dog park. I love a good dog story and I loved how you tied it to Greek mythology. I loved your idea of putting puppy spirits in this mythological dog park afterlife deal. I am intrigued to read about what dogs do after they pass on. I always thought dogs go to heaven, but a dog park seems much more fun haha! I would suggest that you go back through your introduction and really focus in on grammar. Quite a few of your sentences were run-ons, making it a bit tricky to understand your thoughts. Also, maybe find a comma helper to help you understand where to properly put commas. I did the same a few weeks back and it helped so much! Finally, I was wondering what your third dog story was going to be about. I know one is about Egyptian canines and the second is about Xolotl of ancient Aztec, but what is the third? I am intrigued to find out! I wasn’t sure if you left it out on purpose to entice your readers, or that is something you forget to include. Overall, great job and I look forward to seeing your stories unfold!
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI already love your concept of a mythological dog park; as a dual-dog owner myself, I love anything and everything related to dogs. I also love that you included a picture of your own dogs on the home page- it shows how you're already passionate and connected to the topic you're writing about. I feel like this storybook can be relatable to all pet owners, not just dog owners. I think everyone is heartbroken whenever they lose a beloved family pet, and they always hope that their pet is in a better place, and what they're doing without them. I'm excited to hear about your stories of the humanoid-canine divinities as the semester continues. I know in Egyptian Mythology, they have a dog named Anubis that they commonly worship, but I am unaware if any others exist out there. I'm hoping that I'll get to hear more about these different gods as this storybook takes place!
Hey Addison, I really enjoyed reading the introduction to your storybook! I really like where you are going, with your idea of a mythological dog park. I have a golden doodle and a dachshund, so I’d be curious to see how they acted in this type of setting! I feel like this will be a really fun topic to write about, plus it will allow you to be very creative. I really enjoyed the sentence in your introduction where you tell the reader to sit back, relax, grab a ball, and some milk bones. I think that was very creative, and creativeness like that makes people really enjoy reading. I know everyone likes well-behaved dogs, but I’m interested to read about the not so well-behaved dogs in you’re future stories. I think sometimes the dogs that test your nerves are often the most lovable sometimes. You did a good job on this!
ReplyDeleteHey, Addison!
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh I love your topic! I have seen a lot of stories and sites (including my own) based on a lot of old-timey myths and often reiterated themes, but yours is so unique and amazing! I think it's an amazing topic especially because who isn't a dog person?? I really like your idea of storytelling just based on the overall theme, and I am kind of jealous myself that I did not choose something of the sort; I just kind of thought of the first topic that related to my stories and pasted it, but it is very clear that you have put a lot of thought into yours and into making it so, so much personable! I think it shows off your personality a lot more, and that is exactly what I think the concept of this type of storytelling was trying to do. Great job!
Hi Addison, I am so excited about your storybook! Dogs are the best and animals are so often overlooked. Immediately I was drawn in to your storybook from the images you chose, they are fun and my favorite was the gray with the white silhouettes of the dogs and the moon. It works perfectly for the introduction. A suggestion I have is something that I found a little confusing, there is more mentioned about the Norse mythology after life. So I wasn't sure if all of the stories were drawn from there until I got to the end where you brought up the other possibilities as well. Maybe no one else had trouble but it might be interesting to tell where the dog stories come from earlier in the introduction. There is so much personality in this storybook already and it is so much fun. I love the play on tails and the instructions to the reader. Dogs or animals in general can have so much meaning for people so this is a great topic.
ReplyDeleteHi Addison! I think it is so sweet and precious that you are using images of your dogs to represent other dogs in mythology. Your introduction is very well worded, and keeps the reader interesting and engaged about what is to come on your storybook. I like how you have the shells for your stories laid out, but it almost let me down that you did not have your stories on the website yet because I am so excited to read them. I like how you are going to write about dogs from different mythological backgrounds - I am excited and curious to see how you ties those together to make it flow! Do you know which stories you are going to write about yet? I had never thought about utilizing animals, particularly dogs, to retell these famous myths and legends. Best of luck going forward, you definitely started out strong!
ReplyDeleteHey Addison, I want to say right off the bat that your storybook idea is incredibly cute! I know that throughout mythology that animals can have important roles for the main characters, but I like that you're focusing on the animals, dogs in this case, as the owners of their own story! That said, I only found two things that could be fixed and possibly added into your introduction. First, I saw you've been using "Afterlife" throughout, and just wanted to say that one of your sentences you use "after life". I'm sure you just overlooked it, but it's there! Finally, maybe you can say who the dog's owners are? Like, for example, this particular dog you're talking about is the companion of Hercules or something. Of course, you don't have to! I'm just curious if there's specific people that you wanted to be owner's of these dogs! Other then that though, your introduction was cute and I'm excited to see the stories when they're up!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison:
ReplyDeleteI really enjoy reading your introduction to the storybook! I agree with you that most of the myths wrote about the gods, monsters, or heroes, and I feel excited for you could choose a novel topic. I am curious about why you decided to use dogs as your main characters. Do you love dogs or you just choose them as your topic randomly? Also, you mentioned the Afterlife in your introduction. It is a nice try to put some mythological factors into your storybook. I think the word Afterlife is always related to mysterious or untouchable situations. Can't wait for the following stories!
There is one problem I think you need to ameliorate. In your introduction page, the fonts' background may make readers hard to recognize them, and the font size would also be enlarged a little bit.
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I love that you're doing a storybook about mythological dogs! I was actually thinking of doing a storybook focused on dogs of the afterlife earlier in the semester, focusing in on ones from the areas around the UK. (I was intending to cover the "Black Dog", "Church Grim" and "Barghest" in mine) I ended up choosing to do a portfolio instead, but it's cool to see someone else giving the mythological dogs some love!
My other feedback is really just all cosmetic stuff.
Since you have very little text on your home page, you might put it on top of the image, or resize the image so that you don't have to scroll to see that little bit of text.
You should probably hide your pages for Stories 1-3 from your navigation until they have text on them. (You can right click them in your site editor to get the window to hide or unhide them)
Hey Addison,
ReplyDeleteYou had me at “dogs,” ha ha! I do love that you chose to do a Storybook with stories about dogs because we often don’t get to hear or read stories about them. In this class, I’ve read stories about other animals; I’ve read a couple with cats included, but not dogs! Your introduction is very engaging and sets up the rest of your Storybook nicely. I did notice in the second paragraph that you forgot to put a “space” after the period… “Well, I have the answer.You’ve heard that…” Also, I love the idea of having the picture as the background, but it can be difficult to see the text in some areas. Maybe you could try making the font bigger or if there is a way to add text background and adjust the opacity so that the picture can still be seen? I’m excited to see what kind of dog stories you will tell!
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI'm definitely going to bookmark your storybook for future comments! I am a huge dog lover. When my first dog, Oreo, died I always wondered where his spirit would go. I always thought back to the movie, "All Dogs go to Heaven". I loved that you used that in your introduction. I love the idea of all dogs in a doggy play ground. It's also interesting how you pointed out that not all dogs are good. So it would be cool to see how you create conflict between all the dogs in the future! I like how you also questioned what dogs do when their owners are away. It made me think back to Phineas and Ferb with Perry. That show always made me wonder if my dogs were secret agents haha. I can't wait to see what kind of stories you come up with. I haven't read any greek mythology stories over dogs so that would be an additional learning experience for me too! Overall, you have a super enganging introduction so good job with that!
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI won't lie, I'm already obsessed with your storybook after reading the introduction. I saw 'dogs' and knew I had to read it. I like how it speaks directly to the reader when asking questions in the introduction, it makes it very personable and more enticing for the reader. I wonder if all dogs go to the dog park of the afterlife after death, or if some of them stay on earth? Will these be real stories told just with dogs to replace the character? Have you thought about letting each dog narrate their own story with dialogue instead of just one narrator? That might be fun to hear it from each dog's perspective so that we are more connected to the story and can feel their personality. I cant wait to keep reading this and I already love it! Good work!
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteAfter reading your introduction I am so excited to see what your stories will be like. Dogs are one of my favorite animals, and I love reading stories about them! Your ideas are so creative. I have always wondered if dogs go to heaven or an afterlife. I would like to believe so, because I have a few dogs in heaven that I would love to reunite with. The dog park idea is so cool and so different from any of the stories I have read so far. A lot of the stories are about humans, so I am interested to see how you will tie together mythology and dogs! At the end, I loved how you foreshadowed which type of dogs your stories would be about, but I only saw two. I see that you have three stories set up, so adding a third type of dog would be great!
Hi Addison! This concept is so cute, and you're totally right, no one ever writes about the pups of mythology! I also loved that it's going to be based off your own dogs, it adds a personal touch to your story book! I'm also curious to what your writings will entail. Your introduction was awesome, it set up the stage for the rest of the stories really well, but I also still don't really know what to expect. The perfect balance of keeping readers in anticipation! Are the stories going to be about what the dogs did in their life that resulted in them being sent to the dog park of the afterlife? All of the stories of mythology center around heroics, love, and tragedy, so will there be a similar theme among these stories? I can't wait to see what you come up with, I'll definitely be back for this!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison, I'm back to read what stories you had for us next! Only the first story is up so far at the time that I am posting this, but I thought the pups were so cute! I have only heard of Cerberus, but were the other characters real dogs from Greek mythology as well? If so, I'll be honest I didn't realize so many gods and goddesses kept dogs! Aside from that, I really liked that there was a personality conveyed by each dog in their short monologue. It added an additional aspect to their character aside from their story and relation to other mythological figures! Are you doing to be doing multiple dogs for each story, in a sort of interview style dialogue? If that's the case, that's definitely a ton of dogs in Greek mythology that I didn't even know existed! I look forward to reading your next one!
DeleteHi Addison,
ReplyDeleteI am in LOVE with your homepage of your storybook. I absolutely love dogs and that header picture brings a smile to my heart! Thank you for that!
Also, thank you for having a brief introductory statement on your homepage. I feel like most people neglect to do that so it is hard to follow their theme for their storybook. Or, I can't even differentiate if it is a storybook or a portfolio. So, thank you!
After clicking on the introduction, the banner of Archie and Olive snuggling really melted my heart. I cannot get over all of the cuteness!
I love "All Dogs Go To Heaven" so I am super excited to read your stories about the afterlife for dogs! I also appreciate how you are not only talking about good dogs, but also the bad ones. Finally, your overall tone and style crack me up! I love it all so much.
I can't wait to read more of your amazing work this semester!
Hi Addison, I love the theme of your Storybook! Anything dogs and I am interested. I also enjoy that you are using personal images of your own pups. Is this storybook going to be a play on Greek mythology? I saw that you mentioned the story of All Dogs Go to Heaven, is that where you got the idea to intertwin these stories? The questions you ask in the first paragraph are ones that all dog owners and most people in general think about. I am very interested in the ways you plan to pull together all these stories and make them flow together. I also know that it is going to be juicy due to the way you mention that not all the boys are the goodest and that some are definitely going to stir up some trouble. I look forward to seeing what this storybook is like in a few weeks!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison :)
ReplyDeleteI really like your Storybook idea! I like the focus on the dogs, especially the ones of heroes because it's true. There isn't a lot of them after their story purpose is served. I've always wondered what happened to them!
Reading your Introduction, I felt the excitement and mystery of you "Dog Park of the Afterlife." I can't wait to read the stories you come up with; you've made me very curious!
The only tweaking I recommend to your awesome Introduction is sentence structure and topic consistency.
I noticed you have a lot of long sentences with most having a dependent clause at the beginning or end of your sentences joined by a comma. Don't be afraid to have simpler or shorter sentences! They'll do wonders for reading flow and keeping your audience engaged.
In your Introduction, you mention dogs from Norse, Greek, and Aztec mythology. In the last paragraph, you swap out the Norse mythology for true stories about Egyptian dogs. It looks like you're only planning on writing three stories but have four different "topics." I recommend keeping the preview of your stories to the scope of what you're going to be writing about only. I say this because if you write about Norse, Greek, and Egyptian dogs, then you might have readers disappointed there weren't dogs from Aztec mythology.
The last one is definitely just my opinion. However, I do really stand by my critique on sentence structure.
Don't let any of my suggestions distract you from the single facts that your Introduction is awesome and your idea is wonderful!
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, yours was the project I picked from the whole class list this week, just because of the name! I LOVE dogs, so I was really intrigued by your title and wanted to learn more. It's so awesome that you spun this to base it off of your own pups, and added the picture of your own dogs! I don't know if this is a glitch or you haven't had the chance to write any stories yet, but the links for "Story 1, 2 and 3" were all blank links.
If they are not filled yet, I will for sure have to come back to your site later in the semester to read more about your pups and see how you link it back to the mythology we are learning about!
Hey Addison! Can I just say that I love your concept for your storybook? I think that using your own personal touch of your dogs is such a cute and unique tactic to making the storybook stand out, and it definitely works! This isn't something a lot of people do, so I really enjoy you adding some variety. I loved seeing the picture of your dogs on the front page, they were just so stinking cute. Along with this, your introduction was really good along with really adorable. I like how you used the saying "all dogs go to heaven" as part of your inspiration for the stories to come. I am eager to read what stories you have coming for us; the blank screens on "Story 1," "Story 2," and "Story 3" were such a cliffhanger! Hope you enjoy writing the stories to fill this storybook as I know that I will thoroughly enjoy reading them!
ReplyDeleteHey Addison! So I just checked back in at your storybook and I am so happy there is finally a story in there! I remembered your storybook vividly because I was so excited to read stories told from a dog's point of view, and let me tell you it definitely did not disappoint. The first introduction of dialogue in your story and the rest of that paragraph definitely came across in a tone that is the perfect representation of a dog's thoughts. It was energetic, fast-paced, and a quick read. When I think of dogs, I definitely think of that same high energy you used in your story telling which was really cool. I like how your story was able to convey this tone so smoothly, as it really ties the whole theme all together. Great job this week and I'm excited to keep coming back and continuing to read the rest of the stories in your storybook!
DeleteHi Addison,
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed reading through your storybook! I think it is really cool you are writing about your own pets. I think this will give your stories a whole other element. You can really add details and connect the readers to make them feel like they are there. As far as your page I think it is really cool. All the images tie into your theme. I look forward to seeing more so far it is awesome.
Hi Addison,
DeleteSince my first visit to your page I have seen you have added a couple stories and it is coming along amazing. Like I stated the first time I think it is really cool you are incorporating your own family pets into them. In your writing you can see since it is something you are so familiar with you can really add detail and make it your own. So glad you went forward with this!
Hi Addison,
ReplyDeleteIt was an immense pleasure to go over your storybook introduction. It's very cool to write about your own dogs and tie them to mythology, and that detail will take your stories to another level. I am eager to read your story 1. I also like the picture of your dogs in the home page they look very cute and comfortable in bed. Additionally, the layout of the website made it easy to navigate through your story book. But I would recommend on working on sentence structure because you have very long sentences on your introduction. I feel like if you made you sentences simpler; the reading will flow much smoother. I think that your introduction went straight to the point and it was not very long, and I like that. I am curious how you will incorporate mythology with pets, because most of mythology I have read has to do with love, god and goddesses. Will dogs be gods and goddesses?
Hi Addison! This is an interesting topic. I do not think that I have ever truly sat down and thought about their companions but almost all of them have one. They are there to bail them out of trouble and sometimes cause a little more. I think that it was cute to portray it as an audience of dogs. These pups are going to be excited to sit and eat their treats while reading it. I think that you could add slightly more detail. Are all of the stories about this one dog or are there multiple that interact with this dog? What makes him/her the most important character to tell a story about? These animals are found all throughout mythology and I like that you cover that. Maybe explain how the good boys are just not as much fun to talk about or how it will be more fun to talk about this one.
ReplyDeleteHello Addison, I enjoyed your introduction and thought it had a really good insight leading into your stories. I also think the idea of a mythical dog park is so creative and fun. Next I read your first story and I really like how you gave the pups their own introduction to tell the reader about themselves. I thought tell it from the dog’s perspective was very unique. One question I have is are these dogs all friends and know each other. Or are they all just dogs within the dog park that do not associate with each other? Will they be in the stories together? Overall I really like the idea of your story book and I really excited to read the rest of your stories in the future!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI love how creative this Storybook is! I never would have considered retelling the stories of the dogs from mythology so it's really cool that you thought of it.
I would suggest maybe changing your font color of the picture on your introduction wall though because it was kind of hard to read the words with the background color being so similar.
Other than that, I read the Greek Pups story and it was very interesting. I wish I could've gotten more characterization of the dogs though! Maybe instead of combining their introductions all together, you could choose just one of them to focus on so that we get better acquainted with who we are supposed to be getting to know rather than jumping around. Personally, I know that I was the most invested in Cerberus' plot line! I really liked his character and definitely think you could do fun things with it!
This was such a cute idea, Addison! Keep up the good work!
Hi Addison! I really enjoyed reading over your project. I love dogs so much and I can't believe I have never thought of them in mythology before. You are right though--what were their dogs doing when all the fun stuff goes down? Your introduction does a great job of setting up the story book. The concept of a doggy afterlife is fascinating. I was most intrigued by the mention of Xolotl in your introduction, though. Your first story about Greek dogs was great! I loved the happy vibe of it. and it was also really informative. I never knew Odysseus had a dog...that poor boy had to wait on his owner a long time! I had never heard of Laelaps. It was a brilliant idea to take a constellation and make it mortal! I never knew the history behind all of it. It looks like you have done some really good research. I also really enjoyed seeing Cerberus in that context...great work!
ReplyDeleteHello Addison!
ReplyDeleteI really love your first story and the perspective you told it in. I think a cool addition would be describing the readers as a new dog in heaven. This idea is from a different storybook I read in this class about Greek mythology but in a high school setting. It's similar to yours as the perspective is told in a "You did this, you saw this," type of way. They describe the reader (the "you") as the new kid at school though. I also really love the layout of your storybook! The starry background is very pretty and gives me campfire storytelling vibes. I enjoyed reading the author's note. I think for your navigation bar at the top of the page, you should change the first story title from Greek to Greek Pups so it matches the story page title. I never knew about Odysseus's dog who waited two decades for him. That's so sad, but it really shows the loyalty of the dog. It reminds me of the movie Hachi where the dog waited in the same spot for his owner who died. Overall, I think you did a good job with your first story. I look forward to learning more about greek dogs.
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI want to start by saying I love how unique of an idea it is that you are using dogs and acting like this is all taking place at a dog park and despite the animals being busy they still have time to talk to us and get to know us. You do such a good job with quickly introducing the dog and giving some of the traditional facts associated with these creatures and then making a little twist on what we already know to make it seem more like a pet too. I like that you gave each pet a personality I especially like Cerberus I was previously familiar so to see your take on him was a joy to read. I think that your website looks very good. I can't wait to read your next story and wonder the area that those dogs will be from and how you will adapt those dogs to fit with the narrative that you are going with.
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteIt's going to be really hard for me to critique dogs!! I lobe them so much!
I love the idea of your storybook- there are a lot of creatures in mythology that get overlooked because of human characters or overarching familiar stories. Native American mythology uses a lot of stories with animals and i love it.
This week's critique is images. I can't complain with pictures of dogs! I like the photo on the introduction page a lot, it matched the theme of the page aesthetically with the color combinations. The only critiques i have are that the images dont necessarily match eachother, and the one on your first story doesn't really match the page at all. That could be an easy fix in a photo editing app just for a little more visual appeal.
The story about the greek dogs was ADORABLE! The point of view of the story really helped bring in the reader and make them feel like they were in the story. I love that you can really feel the personality of the dogs in their dialogue, and we got to see a variety of different personalities. "The pupper of darkness demands fetch" killed me. This was great work and i'll definitely come back to read the next one! Good job!
Hey Addison, I have finally found the dog side of mythology! I love your introduction and your idea that in your storybook dogs do not just go to heaven but they also enter the realm of mythology. I love that you gave each puppy incredible characteristics and that you allowed us to meet each one at a dog park of all places. I especially like Argos, he seems like a ball of energy and the fact that Odysseus is his owner makes it even better. I cannot wait until you write some more stories in your storybook so that we can get to know these puppies a little better. Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison!
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, I love your cover page to your website. I think it is adorable. I am a huge dog lover so I was very excited when I saw what your page was about. I love how in your introduction you talk about how we always hear about the people but never about the animals because that is very true. In a lot of stories the human will have an animal companion but we never hear about them. So I think it is great that you are doing this story book about them . I also think its great how you talk about what a dog heaven would be like. I think it brings in such a funny aspect to the story. So great job!
Hi, Addison! I can tell this is a passion project for you with your love of dogs. And I love how you gave these Greek pups their own quirky personalities. Like Canis Major immediately being distracted by a rabbit to catch, to Cerberus demanding a game of fetch -- they come off as very different characters and I really enjoyed that! I was also trying to find the image in the story but it looks like you used it as a background? Unless my browser had issues loading it. Maybe having images in the text itself would help with the imagery of the stories as you write on? This is such a fun project to read. I can't wait to see the next one!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison,
ReplyDeleteThis is such a clever idea and I had so much fun reading your story! I loved that the different dogs each had personalities that matched their mythological stories, like Odysseus' dog being loyal, or the "Pupper of Darkness" trying to act tough. So fun! The only suggestion I have for you is about the background on the story. I like the stars, but as I was reading, my eyes had a hard time focusing. I wonder if it was the font or the background messing with my eyes. Maybe you could include the stars as your banner image, and have a more simple background image for the story. There is a lot of great text on this page, and I worry that the background is distracting from that.
Anyway, that is just me being picky. I really love this idea and enjoyed reading your story! Good job!
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteHi Addison! I love how you incorporated pictures of your own dogs in the Introduction and continued on into Egyptian and Greek dogs. I think this gives your website a touch of your own personal life which is always good to add to a website. Something that I think you should adjust is every image being one of your animals. For example, when I clicked on Greek pups, I was expecting to see this majestic beast of a dog who was standing next to a Greek God or something (this may be a little exaggerated but I essentially just expected a majestic looking dog). Instead of that image, I got your pretty puppy in an OU jersey. While this is fine for an image on your introduction page, I do not think that these cute yet innocent looking pictures should be at the top of every single story. On another note, I really enjoyed the star background you had on your Greek story. It caught my eye and it seemed very otherworldly which I loved. I really like how your story is coming along though, that's just my piece of advice for now!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison!
ReplyDeleteFirst off, love the introduction to your storybook! You really helped set the tone of the story and really got me excited to see what you were going to come up with next! I did see one tiny typo in the introduction! “Well, I have the answer.You've heard that All Dogs Go to Heaven?” You forgot to put a space between the period after answer and you’ve! I like that you have the dogs telling the stories themselves, it makes it super cute! The first story made my heart so sad… Poor Argos! Having to spend almost all of his life without his human! I loved the information at the beginning of the Egypt story! I had no idea that the Egyptians felt so strongly about their canine companions and that makes me so happy! I also didn’t know they treated dogs the same with burial rituals! So crazy! Great job Addison!
Hi Addison,
ReplyDeleteI was excited to come back to your storybook and see what was new since I last visited! I still just love this concept. It is so original. I loved your Egyptian story and how you included some background information to help everything make more sense. I also think it is fun that you included a little information about cats and the Egyptians' relationships with them because I do tend to think of cats before dogs in Egyptian mythology. I thought this story was so fun and really enjoyed how you wove the dog's specific mythology into the story without it feeling forced. There was so much context, and I feel like I learned a lot while just reading a fun story about a pup. I also like how you tell the story inside the frame of another narrative. It makes it more fun to read this way. Great job!
Hi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI enjoyed reading over your story! I am a student enrolled in Epics of India and I am here to give you cross-course feedback! The main idea of this weeks feedback task is to look over your author's note! First off, I'd like to say that I really enjoy the idea of your project! Everyone loves dogs and it's always fun to have them introduced into our writing! Your author's note in your first story, Greek, is in good shape! I really like how you wrote in deep detail about each character involved in the plot! Also, it is great how you were able to draw connections between the characters and the theme you attempted to portray in the plot! It's always great being able to see how and where ideas originate from in a retold story! I look forward to coming back to your finished project! Your writing is extremely intriguing.
Hi Addison! First of all, I love that you chose to write about dogs! I love dogs and knew I had to read your storybook as soon as I saw the title in the list of projects for this class! Secondly, I love that you used a picture of your own pups as the image for the title page! I love the page of Greek dogs! Cerberus referring to himself as the "Pupper of darkeness" was so cute! I will say the asterisk on this page was a bit hard to distinguish from the background image. But I love how you took the life stories of different dogs from different places! Such a clever idea and I can't wait to read what you come up with next!
ReplyDeleteHi Addison!
ReplyDeleteI really liked the way you chose to do your storybook!
It was fun seeing how the different dogs chose to tell their stories. Like, the audience can easily get an idea of the kind of dog Argos was from the way he speaks and drifts off mentally in conversation. And then it's nicely contrasted against the more refined and collected hunting dog, Laelaps. (The gender difference also helped that I would say.) And I have to say that I love how you chose to portray Cerberus, with him being an outwardly tough-looking dog but also loving to play fetch.
I liked the bit of historical information you included along with having Anubis tell about himself. I hadn't actually heard before that dogs were of a similar status to cats in Egyptian society. I also feel the attitude you gave Anubis suited him quite well.
Hi Addison,
ReplyDeleteI'm already back for more! I loved your story about dogs in ancient greece and i was really excited to see what you talked about next. I actually didn't know much about anubis prior to reading your story! When i say not much, i should really say nothing because i knew nothing. I think the story was very well developed and gave a lot of insight and background to readers that may not know much (like myself). You also did a great job of portraying the personality of anubis in his dialogue, i could definitely feel his ego coming from the way he spoke. i liked this story because it's a bit less common or well known than the greek stories. The author's note did a great job of explaining what the story was about and your inspiration, although the story itself was pretty self-explanatory. i like that you included real-life historical elements. Once again, great work and I'll see you for the next story!
Hi Addison,
ReplyDeleteI read your storybook when you only had an introduction at the beginning of the project, now you have two other stories. I enjoyed reading both stories about Greek and Egypt. In Egypt story I like how you talked a little bit about cats and the Egyptian. When I read the Egyptian mythology stories, I see that they are more related with cats than dogs, and you mentioning the relationship of cats and the Egyptians even thou the main story is the dog is a plus. I also liked how your wrote your author’s note for Greek, you gave some deep details about each character in the plot, I think it’s a good idea to do that because it’s a way we can see the connections between each character and the theme you tried to portrait. Every dog with their own personality. Now I can’t wait for story number three. Overall, good job.
Hey Addison!
ReplyDeleteI loved reading over your project! I absolutely love the theme, and I think many others will agree that it related to many of us animal lovers! I love the layout of your website. I think it is very easy to navigate and is very accessible. I honestly hadn't read any of the original stories that yours are based on, and I think they did a great job of explaining them to me! I think with a few grammatical changes your project could be nearly perfect when you are finished! Awesome job!
Hey Addison,
ReplyDeleteI loved reading your stories. First of all I am from the other class Indian Epics, so when we got the option to come look at the other class I wanted too. I got attracted by your cause it was dogs and I love dogs. I have my own doggie myself. I like how you have an introduction on your page I feel like that is something a lot of people are missing. I like the way your stories are set up. It is interesting to be meeting these characters in the way you do with your stories. It was cool for the dog to be explaining who they were and what their background was. I was kind of confused if they were related to single stories or if it was just in general, but I really enjoyed reading them. I hope you have a great semester.
Philip Crowley
Hey Addison! I truly enjoyed reading your stories! I thought the way you set them up was visually pleasing and I really enjoyed the way you gave each pup a different personality! Even without knowing the original myths that well I felt as though I got the gist of them without too much background, which is hard to do. So good job! I really liked the characters that you added to be the narrators as well! I felt like I was on a journey with you through the stars to find more dogs. It was great! I am excited to see what you have in store for your final story as well. I think you can do a lot with the characters you have established and I encourage you to think through how to incorporate your final myth. Overall, I thought you did an awesome job and I hope you have a great rest of the semester and holiday season!